First Time in Therapy?

Take a peek and get a sense of what to expect

Therapy is not comfortable, growth rarely is.

You are reaching out because something is off balance, or maybe being under or over used. Regardless, some behaviors don’t serve us like they once did. Just like when we limp to protect an injured foot, a limp that continues on for too long can lead to unforeseen problems over time.  Our early learning in relationships and coping become stuck beyond the moments that warranted them.  Humans are a social species and we are in the most vulnerable way, utterly dependent on those around us when we are young. Our minds, nervous systems, and hearts are shaped by many many moments. This young learning and shaping offers us many strengths and resources, and can sometimes lead to stuck habits and suffering later in life as we launch into adulthood. As adults we have fully developed brains and so so many more resources than a young child. Often our early learning habits are no longer needed, yet our bodies and brains haven’t gotten the memo and are out of date.

 Therapy asks some very challenging things of us. To be vulnerable enough to be completely honest and say the truth about ourselves, what is important to us, what we need, and own our mistakes takes courage. Facing things that we have side stepped and kicked down the road, often for years, is terrifying. Showing up differently for those we love, even when we have been hurt by those same people, takes grit and ferocity. There are both risks and tremendous benefits when we choose to enter into therapy and I welcome you to join me in this journey.

Minc Work

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